Environmental Documents

Suisun Logistics Center

The applicant, Buzz Oates Construction, Inc., is proposing to develop 2.1 million square feet of warehousing uses on approximately 120 acres. The remaining acreage would be permanently preserved as open space. The entire 167.43-acre site and the right-of-way for Petersen Road abutting the project would be annexed into the Suisun City Limits. The project is proposed east of Walters Road between Petersen Road and Highway 12. Six buildings ranging from 145,397 to 644,782 square feet would be developed on-site. Each building would provide docks, grade level roll-up doors, and trailer parking stalls. The facility would be enclosed with a secure perimeter and access would be restricted to authorized users.

Should you have any questions regarding the Suisun Logistics Center Project, please contact Jim Bermudez at 707.372.2055 or jbermudez@suisun.com. The Draft Environmental Impact Report can be found below:

CEQA Notice of Availability

Suisun Logistics Draft Environmental Impact Report Notice of Availability(PDF, 140KB)

Full Draft Environmental Impact Report (No Appendix)

Suisun Logistics Center Project Draft EIR(PDF, 70MB)

Draft Environmental Impact Report Chapters and Sections (No Appendix)

Sec00 00 Title Page(PDF, 174KB)

Sec00 01 TOC(PDF, 165KB)

Sec00 02 Acronyms(PDF, 157KB)

Sec00 03 Exec Summary(PDF, 494KB)

Sec01 00 Introduction(PDF, 260KB)

Sec02 00 Project Description(PDF, 16MB)

Sec03 00 Env Impact Analysis(PDF, 173KB)

Sec03 01 Aesthetics(PDF, 15MB)

Sec03 02 Air Quality(PDF, 826KB)

Sec03 03 Bio Resources(PDF, 18MB)

Sec03 04 Cultural Tribal Cultural Resources(PDF, 469KB)

Sec03 05 Geology(PDF, 338KB)

Sec03 06 GHG(PDF, 1MB)

Sec03 07 Hazards(PDF, 1MB)

Sec03 08 Hydrology(PDF, 337KB)

Sec03 09 Land Use(PDF, 5MB)

Sec03 10 Noise(PDF, 4MB)

Sec03 11 Public Services(PDF, 198KB)

Sec03 12 Transportation(PDF, 23MB)

Sec03 13 Utilities(PDF, 378KB)

Sec04 00 Cumulative Effects(PDF, 245KB)

Sec05 00 Alternatives(PDF, 329KB)

Sec06 00 Other CEQA(PDF, 155KB)

Sec07 00 EFNTBS(PDF, 897KB)

Sec08 00 Persons and Orgs Consulted(PDF, 166KB)

Sec09 00 References(PDF, 139KB)

Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendices

Appendix A Notice of Preparation Comments-COMBINED(PDF, 12MB)

Appendix B AQ Energy GHG Supporting Information COMBINED(PDF, 15MB)

Appendix C Biological Resources Supporting COMBINED(PDF, 68MB)

Appendix D Cultural Resources Tribal Cultural PUBLIC(PDF, 172KB)

Appendix E Geotechnical Reports COMBINED(PDF, 2MB)

Appendix F Phase I ESA COMBINED(PDF, 44MB)

Appendix G Hydrology Supporting Information COMBINED(PDF, 16MB)

Appendix H Travis AFB LUCP Consistency Evaluation COMBINED(PDF, 3MB)

Appendix I Wildlife Hazards Assessment COMBINED(PDF, 4MB)

Appendix J Market Report Fiscal Impact Analysis COMBINED(PDF, 993KB)

Appendix K Noise Supporting Info COMBINED(PDF, 263KB)

Appendix L Transportation Supporting Information COMBINED(PDF, 9MB)

Appendix M Water Supply Assessment COMBINED(PDF, 13MB)

Highway 12 Logistics Center

The applicant, Buzz Oates Construction, Inc., is proposing to annex and pre-zone 161 acres of the approximately 486-acre Project Site into the City of Suisun City and develop 1.28 million square feet of warehouse and logistics uses on approximately 93 acres (referred to as the “development area”). The rest of the annexation area would be in managed open space. The portion of the Project Site not proposed for annexation is outside the City’s Sphere of Influence (SOI), is not proposed for any SOI change or annexation, and is proposed for managed open space. This open space would be managed consistent with the Suisun Marsh Protection Plan and in accordance with any required permit conditions imposed by applicable regulatory agencies. The Project proposes an amendment to the City’s General Plan Land Use Diagram so that the proposed development and conservation areas are consistent with the General Plan’s Commercial Mixed Use and Open Space land use designations. 

Should you have any questions regarding the Highway 12 Logistics Center project, please contact Jim Bermudez at 707-372-2055 or jbermudez@suisun.com. The Draft Environmental Impact Report can be found below:

July 9, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Link


Final Environmental Impact Report - Highway 12 Logistics(PDF, 68MB)  (Updated: September 18, 2024)

Highway 12 Logistics Center Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP)(PDF, 562KB)

Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations(PDF, 847KB)

CEQA Notice of Availability 

Highway 12 Logistics EIR NOA.pdf(PDF, 532KB)

Full Draft Environmental Impact Report (No Appendix)

Hwy12_Logistics Body.pdf(PDF, 13MB)

Draft Environmental Impact Report Chapters and Sections (No Appendix)

Cover Title Table of Contents_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 682KB)

Executive-Summary_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 594KB)

2 Introduction PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 229KB)

3_Project-Description PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

4.0_Impact-Analysis PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 191KB)

4.1_Aesthetics PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 4MB)

4.2_Air-Quality_Public Review .pdf(PDF, 818KB)

4.3_Biological-Resources PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

4.4_Cultural-Tribal-Cultural-Resources PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 766KB)

4.5_Geology-Paleo_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

4.6_Greenhouse-Gas-Emissions-Energy_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 741KB)

4.7-Hazards_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

4.8_Hydrology_WaterQuality_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

4.9_Land-Use-Population-Housing-Agriculture_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 374KB)

4.10_Noise-Vibration_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

4.11_Public-Services-Recreation_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 343KB)

4.12_Transportation-Circulation_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 4MB)

4.13_Utilities_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 413KB)

5_Cumulative_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

6_Alternatives_PublicReviewDraft_1.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

7_Other-CEQA_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 201KB)

8_References_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 394KB)

9_List-of-Preparers_PublicReview.pdf(PDF, 114KB)

Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendices

Appendix-A-Notice-of-Preparation-and-Responses_1.pdf(PDF, 11MB)

Appendix-B-Air-Quality-and-GHG-Emissions_1.pdf(PDF, 35MB)

Appendix-C-Biological-Resources_1.pdf(PDF, 52MB)

Appendix-D-Drainage-Master-Plan_1.pdf(PDF, 125MB)

Appendix-E-Noise_1.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

Appendix-F-Water-Supply-Assessment_1.pdf(PDF, 10MB)