Help Us Help You!

“We can’t fix what we don’t know about.”
“We don’t know what we haven’t been told.”
These types of adages serve us just as well in our modern, electronic, social media-driven, mile-a-second world as they did in our grandparents’ day.
If we are doing something, or not doing something, that makes your life in Suisun City less than you expect, let us know! Every employee in City Hall, a City office or on our streets want to help.
PLEASE CONSIDER downloading the new City of Suisun City app for your smart phone that allows you to report Public Works related issues, pay your water bill, contact Code Enforcement as well as many other City Departments. Open the App Store for your particular type of smart phone and put “City of Suisun City” into the search bar – you should see some like what you see below. Click the Suisun City logo icon and down the app to your phone.

To help this communication happen, we have six specific forms on that enable any resident to share a specific concern with the employees most directly responsible – and in most cases, their boss, too. Found under the “Tell Us” menu above are:
- Report a Code Violation (this is for all Code Enforcement issues)
- Report a Homeless Encampment
- Report a Pothole or Street Concern
- Report Public Irrigation Concerns (for public parks and landscaping)
- Report Street Light Outages
- Report a Water Conservation Concern (for private property)
If none of those meet your concern, send in any concern, issue, thought or idea (including things you want to see on this website) by using “Contact Us.” These all land in the inbox of our Senior Management Analyst to route to the most responsible Department Head.
Social media and other platforms have their place, but using these forms will put your concern immediately in the inbox of the City employees who work on these issues every day.
We can’t always solve every problem immediately, but we can evaluate, understand, schedule and/or create a plan to address the situations we know about. Or we can engage in a real conversation about why we just can’t (as every parent knows, sometimes the answer is “no.”)
Bottom line: City employees serve this community and want to do a really good job. We can serve you better if you talk to us.